This project was very interesting to complete. I worked with people of all ages in my group and together we came up with a final project showcasing all of the skills we learned in DS106. I can, however, only talk about my section of the project. For my section, I used some of the ideas that the others came up with to make their visions come true. Those ideas were for the use of the 7-up commercial, and the tesla driving off on the owner. I used canvas and clips of news reports to make this possible. During this process editing took awhile to do but it was nice getting all the great feedback from my team. I think determining what programs to use was the hardest part of this project and how to use them. I ended up using Canva a free service to accomplish this and I had to work around some of the paid or premium services for this but I think that it was worth it. The idea of this project was to create a robot uprising news coverage, and I think we achieved just that. We showcases audio and visual editing and collaboration during this project and it was a great learning experience for me. I also got to add some of my own ideas like the use of a clip from leave the world behind on Netflix to tie back into the course and Aggressive Technologies. Overall, the whole experience was amazing to see what we worked on come to life. Below is our final project and I hope you enjoy.

Special thanks to Destiny, Marisol, and Sarah. It was a pleasure to work with you!

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