This week was really short like last week. I do admit in the beginning I was stressed because I thought that I had to do everything on the assignments page but it was really part a or part b. I chose part b which was three visual assignments! Most of the visual assignments I used to add more depth to my character and it was really fun to create! I thought about some creative ways to do these assignments because filming during this week would be too time consuming while studying for my upcoming exams. When overcoming this problem found that the solution was to find free videos to use for my assignments through a website like how we used free audio instead of recording audio. This taught me how to match up the audio that I found on free audio with the free videos on the website, which gave proof to some really nice work that you should check out. I also added more depth to my course character in the weekly assignment, which was really fun to do, and I have gotten so much great feedback from it, which is exciting. I cannot wait to do more assignments related to Marie! I am learning a little bit more every week and its nice being able to see how I can put this to toward maybe starting that youtube channel I was thinking about! Perhaps I will use these techniques to do a youtube video for my first trip to Disney world over spring break!

Weekly Assignments

Behind the Creation: For this, I decided to branch off of something that I had mentioned earlier in a post about Marie. This worked out perfectly and this paints Aggressive Technology in a bad light for good reason in Marie’s position. I find that this also gives Marie’s Character a little more depth because I added details about her relationships with her coworkers and how long she has worked for the company.

Assignments from the Bank:

Behind the Creation: I wanted to take a peak into Marie’s head and figure out something I could make into a short video that represents her life. I had previously mentioned that she is a mom and the first thing that came to my mind when I heard mom was packing a kid’s lunch. For this, I headed to CANVA (free) and used their text-to-video beta to create this AI-generated video since she is an AI. The text-to-video generator took many trials even to get something remotely what I was looking for but in the end, I settled on this one. I hope you enjoy my take on this assignment.
Behind the creation: This is the one assignment from the bank that has nothing to do with my character. This is about another important part of my life Bonnie. I have had Bonnie since the moment she was born, and I wanted to create a collage of her growing up. For this, I searched all my galleries to find old puppy photos and make this as cohesive. I did this using a template from Capcut which is another free resource for video editing!
Behind the creation: For this, I decided to go a different route than simply filming my food, because it would be inaccurate to Marie. I began by thinking about what she would eat. For breakfast, she would only have a coffee because most of her morning would be devoted to the kids and getting them out the door as heard in the previous audio assignment. Lunch would be something quick, so I thought of pizza. Lastly, I thought about dinner and found that spaghetti came to mind. Next, I went to find free videos online, but they didn’t have audio, so I went to free audio and. gathered audio to add. I then gathered the videos in a breakfast, lunch, and dinner orientation and added the sounds to match in CapCut. This was fairly easy and I posted it to YouTube Shorts! I hope that you enjoy it.

Daily Creates:

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