This video was fun to do and took me a little less time than the other video assignments I did. I have learned a couple of tricks since the last post that I did. Here is how I made the PSA video:

  1. After you brainstorm you can get an Ai to build a prompt to give you an outside idea of how your video can look. For this I used this free resource: https://boords.com/ai-script-generator and wrote something along the lines of political video aimed at taking down aggressive technologies because they use loopholes in company contracts to leave millions jobless to put in place Ai.
  2. I used the script that boords created to create another script for my AI voice to read off of for my video and put it into narakeet (another free resource): https://www.narakeet.com/create/ai-voice-generator.html
  3. I also used the script to look up stock videos for my PSA on Flexclip another partially free resource. Note: If you run out of free stock videos to add, search for a video that you want in the search box and just right-click and save as. Then you can put a blank black box scene to your video and then replace that with the video that you saved! https://www.flexclip.com/editor/
  4. I then compiled all my videos to the audio of the AI and found a suspenseful track to add to give it a propaganda feel. Also, the text added at the end was purposefully red to give an intense and serious feeling to the video and appeal to the viewers’ emotions along with the clips. I then exported the clip with the free option to export with the watermark logo.

All in all, this took me about 2 hours start and finish including breaks. I hope you enjoy it.

9 responses to “WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED”

  1. […] that it could/would bring in the future. The final PSA that I chose to comment on, was this one, which talks about how AT is all about making money and there are no ethical actions that they take […]

  2. […] they are on the PSA assignments. Dolly had mixed emotions about this PSA video about “We WILL NOT BE SIlENCED”. After watching these public service announcements, noticing that there is a different story being […]

  3. Kelli Hard Avatar

    Wow! I loved your video that you made. I had no idea where to even begin with this assignment. Thank you for completing it so early that I was able to watch it before making mine!

    1. Leila Avatar

      I’m glad that this can help you! Good luck with your assignment.

  4. […] WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED Behind the creation: After I brainstormed I realized that you can get an Ai to build a prompt to give you an outside idea of how your video can look. For this I used this free resource: https://boords.com/ai-script-generator and wrote something along the lines of political video aimed at taking down aggressive technologies because they use loopholes in company contracts to leave millions jobless to put in place Ai.I used the script that boords created to create another script for my AI voice to read off of for my video and put it into narakeet (another free resource): https://www.narakeet.com/create/ai-voice-generator.htmlI also used the script to look up stock videos for my PSA on Flexclip another partially free resource. Note: If you run out of free stock videos to add, search for a video that you want in the search box and just right-click and save as. Then you can put a blank black box scene to your video and then replace that with the video that you saved! I ran into that problem but it was quickly solved! https://www.flexclip.com/editor/I then compiled all my videos to the audio of the AI and found a suspenseful track to add to give it a propaganda feel. Also, the text added at the end was purposefully red to give an intense and serious feeling to the video and appeal to the viewers’ emotions along with the clips. I then exported the clip with the free option to export with the watermark logo. Propaganda picture Behind the creation: Marie is obviously against AI and aggressive technologies so she often makes direct memes from an account under her pseudonym. This is one of them, you may also occasionally see propaganda videos on that account that she makes after the kids go to bed. She uses a burner account and is super careful to not give any leads back to her as it may affect her livelihood. I made this using a Free meme generator and a popular meme background. What others have to say Behind the creation: Being able to step into the shoes of Marie for a little through third person was very fun, I wish that there were other videos to respond to but I understand that I move fast with DS106 work. I will be looking forward to seeing the other PSA videos over the next couple of days and seeing how others respond to them. I like seeing how everyones skills that we learned in the last couple of weeks really came together to be able to create PSA videos that seem somewhat realistic. […]

  5. Greta Hammen Avatar

    The background music was an ideal choice for the subject matter that you chose.

  6. Sydney Jadyn Avatar

    I LOVE your take on this assignment. The editing is really good – I know that getting clips and audio to match up as well as yours did must have been a pain. Good job!

  7. […] World of DS106 (rishicshankards106.com), Propaganda picture – Leila’s Corner (the-comeup.com), WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED – Leila’s Corner (the-comeup.com), Pure – My blog (andrewpoon.org) and Postage Stamp – My blog […]

  8. Paul Avatar

    Thanks for detailing the process and linking to the various tools. I’m sure that helps others in the class. Getting the run time to exactly 1:06 was a nice touch too.

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