Goals for Digital Studies

I was asked what do I want out of this Class and to be honest, I don’t know. I am taking this class to fulfill a general education requirement but I am also enjoying what the class is going to help me learn even in the first week.

Here are some goals that I want to set for myself

  1. Be more flexible with the programs and software that I use,
  2. Learn how to convey messages better
  3. Be more open to others’ thoughts, and improve from them.
  4. How to convey my creative process

These are all that I have now but of course, they are subject to change!

2 responses to “Goals for Digital Studies”

  1. Kevin Avatar

    I like your fourth goal, regarding the creative process and how to look at it closely and share out (sort of like meta-thinking through the making of art).
    Good luck with your journey.
    Kevin (loosely affiliated with other DS106 projects over the years)

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