Aggressive technologies radio ad

Behind the creation: For my second radio project I wanted to create an ad relating to Aggressive technologies as a a connection to the world the AI characters live in. I feel like it ties everything together with Marie’s story and shows that the movement is catching fire. For this, I used an AI male voice from and a sad audio clip to keep it simple. I tried to create a commercial that created the same feelings as an SPCA commercial that evoked some type of emotion. I think this will be a great commercial to tie into our podcast. I had a problem spacing out the AI voice but it ended up working out ok. There is still room for improvement though!

One response to “Aggressive technologies radio ad”

  1. […] Aggressive technologies radio ad Behind the creation: For my second radio project I wanted to create an ad relating to Aggressive technologies as a a connection to the world the AI characters live in. I feel like it ties everything together with Marie’s story and shows that the movement is catching fire. For this, I used an AI male voice from and a sad audio clip to keep it simple. I tried to create a commercial that created the same feelings as an SPCA commercial that evoked some type of emotion. I think this will be a great commercial to tie into our podcast. I had a problem spacing out the AI voice but it ended up working out ok. There is still room for improvement though! Radio Bumper Behind the creation: For the group project we were all tasked with creating a radio bumper so that we could pick the best 3 from the group and use it in our final podcast. I decided to create a pretty simple pop-style radio bumper with only three unlicensed sounds from and my voiceover. I feel like the pop-style theme of the radio bumper goes along with our theme (Ai in pop culture) as well as the name. This took me about 30 minutes to start and finish to create and the only problem that I ran into was relearning how to cut and separate the audio clips in audacity. To combat this problem I simply cut and pasted to make everything go seamlessly. (Honestly, this course has me wanting to retake it over the summer so I have more time to focus on the tasks without my lab course loads.) Radio Promotion Behind the creation: This week we came up with a name and solidified what we are doing for the project but nothing else about the podcast itself yet. Instead of putting everyone’s names because two of the characters have the same name, I opted to say diverse panel. I found this template on canva for free and edited it to my liking. I found out that it is hard to find a font that pops against certain backgrounds. I feel like this is a great promotion for the radio show! Radio Show Week 1 […]

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