Have you ever attended a musical production? Where there is nothing but music that tells a story. I recently attended a show like that last semester and thought that I’d take music and create a story. This assignment said to use new and old music to create a story but to avoid the SoundCloud police I used instrumentals. I copied and pasted a bunch of different sounds into audacity and created a story called broke music box. In the beginning , the music box is playing nicely along with the music but the music box gets broken in the story and no longer functions well. I wanted to use this as symbolism for a tarnished innocence. In the back you can also hear birds that get silenced when the music box is broken. Listen down below.

One response to “A StOry THroUGh MuSIC”

  1. […] story. I then put the final product in a text-to-voice generator and selected a feminine voice. A StOry THroUGh MuSIC Behind the creator: Have you ever attended a musical production? Where there is nothing but music […]

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