⛈️BRain StoRM⛈️

I think it would be cool to create a show where a bunch of skeptical characters come together to create a show talking about nonsense stories related to AI. Like a panel of characters that would be very techno-pessimistic like my character Marie and the characters all sit down in a podcast like setting and review reddit stories of problems with AI and technology and put in their two cents with of course some disagreements along the way. Maybe even an inventor that is very techno-optimistic and would contribute to a good conversation and arguments for the technological side.

I think that Marie would be very anti-technologist because of how her husband passed (which is undisclosed for the moment and will be revealed at a later time). She also is a manager of a call center and corporate keeps trying to force an AI pre-screen for her customers to determine which department would best benefit them, but it will cost many workers their jobs and livelihoods. She would at the same time be open to learning more about different perspectives while holding strong to her beliefs. She is okay with technology (like the Daleks) in movies like Dr. Who but not in real life. I think her character would be very respectful of other characters point of views while adding very monotone jokes in the dialogue and provide stories that she has in her life. She may however provide some flat responses from time to time or get flustered when her point of view is proven wrong to much. I think that it will be very exciting to see how this comes to fruition in the coming weeks.

One response to “⛈️BRain StoRM⛈️”

  1. Paul Avatar

    I like the labor perspective, particularly how you have it grounded in a specific work setting. Will AI cost them jobs, or could it make them more efficient by screening out time-wasting calls and mis-dials? The setting gives you lots of options.

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