A morning in Marie’s life☀️✨

Behind the creation: For this assignment, I wanted to give you guys a little look at Marie’s life in the morning from coffee to her nap before work! I want to start by saying that this didn’t come out how I expected at all… I struggled to find sounds to use. IF I had the time, I would have recorded my own, but unfortunately, my schedule doesn’t allow for that. I will probably revisit this if I have more time later down the line. It was really fun mashing together different sounds and I enjoyed this! I have learned that with audio assignments that it goes faster for me if I go through and brainstorm all the sounds that I want incorporated, search them up, and then drop them directly into audacity. Then I start with my “starting sound(s)” and solo them so that I can only hear them, and adjust them as need be. I do this with all my sounds adding them slowly until I get the finished product!

3 responses to “A morning in Marie’s life☀️✨”

  1. […] A morning in Marie’s life☀️✨ Behind the creation: For this assignment, I wanted to give you guys a little look at Marie’s life in the morning from coffee to her nap before work! I want to start by saying that this didn’t come out how I expected at all… I struggled to find sounds to use. IF I had the time, I would have recorded my own, but unfortunately, my schedule doesn’t allow for that. I will probably revisit this if I have more time later down the line. It was really fun mashing together different sounds and I enjoyed this! I have learned that with audio assignments it goes faster for me if I go through and brainstorm all the sounds that I want incorporated, search them up, and then drop them directly into Audacity. Then I start with my “starting sound(s)” and solo them so that I can only hear them, and adjust them as need be. I do this with all my sounds adding them slowly until I get the finished product! STORY TIME Behind the creation: For this assignment, I had to create a story and read it. So I decided to think about a story prompt that my character would come up with and put it into an AI generator. to get an idea of a story. I then edited it to make it seem more natural and like a children’s story. I then put the final product in a text-to-voice generator and selected a feminine voice. A StOry THroUGh MuSIC Behind the creator: Have you ever attended a musical production? Where there is nothing but music that tells a story. I recently attended a show like that last semester and thought that I’d take music and create a story. This assignment said to use new and old music to create a story but to avoid the SoundCloud police I used instrumentals. I copied and pasted a bunch of different sounds into audacity and created a story called broke music Box. In the beginning, the music box is playing nicely along with the music but the music box gets broken in the story and no longer functions well. I wanted to use this as symbolism for a tarnished innocence. In the back you can also hear birds that get silenced when the music box is broken. Listen down below. […]

  2. destiny Avatar

    i liked hearing your process! my personal process is working on everything one at a time during the timeline, because if I don’t, I just get lost! but also, this was really cool!! i liked hearing Marie’s life and I liked the soft snoring part when she was napping!! even if it didn’t come out as expected, you did great 🙂

    1. Leila Avatar

      Thank you so much! I’m used to clutter but I definitely understand the getting lost part!

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